BREMF Consort of Voices
BREMF Consort of Voices (known as BCV) was founded by Deborah Roberts in 2009 as a consort of semi-professional, student and experienced amateur singers.
James Elias - Director
Dedicated to giving dramatic and exciting performances of music from the Renaissance and early Baroque, the ensemble gives several concerts each year in collaboration with BREMF. It has taken part in music ranging from 15th-century chant and polyphony, to the spectacular 1589 Florentine Intermedi with renaissance orchestra and great Venetian works with The English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble.
Now directed by James Elias, for the 2024 Brighton Early Music Festival the choir joined Netherlands-based ensemble Cappella Pratensis in a programme of 15th-century music by Dufay, Dunstable and Walter Frye.
How to join BCV
Singers are selected by audition, and should be good sight readers with clear, well-tuned voices. The size of the choir is flexible, depending on the repertoire, and singers are invited on a project by project basis. We always welcome student singers interested in building experience in singing an incredible range of fascinating and challenging music.
The choir is particularly keen to hear from first sopranos at the present time.
Apply by email giving details of experience to

“…here intensity came from the grinding dissonances and the way they ‘sigh’ downwards to their resolution, an effect that the choir under its director Deborah Roberts really savoured.”
The Daily Telegraph (concert at BREMF 2010 with Emma Kirkby and the International Baroque players, broadcast on BBC Radio 3)