BREMF@home video content for schools

At Brighton Early Music we are passionate about the impact that music can have on children’s learning and development, and have been delivering workshops in schools for more than 10 years. With an increased focus on digital, we worked with creative practitioners Alice Poppleton (violin) and Sergio Bucheli (theorbo) to make a series of short films for use in primary and special schools to support the music curriculum.

10 short films to use in school

You can build the series of films into your music planning, or dip into one or more films as needed.
CLICK HERE for the accompanying teacher’s notes.
You can also access a separate audio file for the activity in Film 10 – Ground Bass Extra. CLICK HERE FOR THE MP3 FILE

Film 1: Hello & Welcome

Meet Alice and Sergio, and find out what to expect from these films

Film 3: Meet the Theorbo

Find out about the impressive theorbo, which is related to the guitar

Film 5: Let's Sing Together

Vocal warm up and singing exercise

Film 7: Body Percussion #1

A warm up using body percussion

Film 9: Ground Bass

An introduction to ground bass

Film 2: Let's Warm Up

A warm up for voices and bodies to get ready for making music

Film 4: Meet the Violin

Find out about the violin and how it makes a sound

Film 6: Singing & Signing

Learn a song to sing and sign

Film 8: Body Percussion #2

Build your own body percussion piece

Film 10: Ground Bass Extra

Make your own piece using ground bass

The BREMF@home for Schools films were filmed at Stanley Arts, South Norwood by videographer Claudia Lee.