BREMF Autumn Quiz 2022 – Results and Answers

Thanks to all who entered – somewhat fewer than usual, but there were fewer opportunities to buy! 

The outright winner, and therefore the proud recipient of the £30 Waitrose voucher, is Nick Boston from Brighton, with 56½. 

The runner-up, winning the £10 book token, is Hilary Ougham, also from Brighton – the only person who managed to answer question 14 in part 1. She got a score of 50

Congratulations also to the others who scored over 40: The Whitehouse family (47½), Susan Clough (46½), Frances Lindsay-Hills (44) and Joan McGregor & Ian Denyer (41½)

There were other entries with lower scores.  Thank you all for entering – please try again at the next major BREMF weekend. 

 Thanks too to everyone who made donations for a copy of the quiz – you’ve helped to raise another £120 for BREMF. The next quiz will appear at BREMF 2023.

Meanwhile, please keep an eye on the BREMF website and all of our social media accounts for information about the upcoming BREMF@Christmas and Bremf@Home events, featuring extraordinary talent and wonderful music – a perfect addition to your festive calendar. The Oddments Box and our remaining BREMF Christmas Cards will also be on sale there.


BREMF Autumn Festival Quiz Answers

Section 1: Mixed Bag (1 mark per question)

  1. Why might Larry have waved goodbye to Dilyn in early September 2022? (The Johnsons left Downing St – Larry is the No 10 Downing St cat and Dilyn is the Johnson family dog)
  2. Which is the oldest National Park in Africa (Virunga – founded in 1925 in what was then Belgian Congo and now in DRC)
  3. Which original cast member of a long-running radio series retired in 2022 at the age of 103? (June Spencer – Peggy Archer/Woolley in ‘The Archers’)
  4. In one letter dated 25 November 1846, the composer Chopin wrote: ‘Thank Marquis for missing me…’ Who or what was Marquis? (A dog adopted by Chopin and George Sand).
  5. In March 2021, during the Covid restrictions, which railway station officially replaced Waterloo as the busiest in England? (Stratford East)
  6. Which short novel by H. E. Bates has a title based on Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18? (The Darling Buds of May
  7. Fellows, Morton & Clayton Ltd is a company associated with what type of transport? (Canal boats)
  8. Which book by Beatrix Potter is a version of a fable by Aesop found also in a poem by the Roman poet Horace? (The Tale of Johnny Town-mouse – used as part of one of Horace’s Satires/Sermones)
  9. Singer Katherine Jenkins recorded a new version of a well-known song in Sussex in September 2022. What was the song? (UK National Anthem)
  10. What name, based in part on the ancient Greek word for ‘amber’, is given to the phenomenon in which materials become electrically charged when they rub together? (Triboelectric effect – often referred to as static electricity but I’m told that this doesn’t always require two things to be physically rubbed together other than at the atomic level).
  11. Mrs Wolowitz died at the age of 35 in Edinburgh in August 2022 after being attacked. What distinction did she have in Edinburgh?  (Oldest northern rockhopper penguin in Edinburgh Zoo).
  12. The windmill featured in the TV series ‘Jonathan Creek’ was once owned by which famous author? (Hilaire Belloc)
  13. Which UK politician is married to Hugh O’Leary? (Liz Truss)
  14. You can use some of its contents to write the words mother, sister, brother or son, but not father, uncle, aunt or grandmother.  Of which well-known set of abbreviations is this statement true?  (Abbreviations for names of Periodic Table elements MoThEr; SiStEr; BrOThEr, SON)
  15. Which is the only Gilbert & Sullivan opera in which the Chorus does not start the first act? (Yeomen of the Guard). 
  16. Baroness Hemingford, who died in 2020, wrote 4 novels continuing the series about another author’s amateur detective and his wife. Which author had written the original series of books? (Dorothy L Sayers – Jill Paton Walsh married the 3rd Baron Hemingford shortly before her death)
  17. What is the connection between Ramphastes toco and a well-known beverage? (Ramphastes toco is the Toco or Common Toucan, once used in advertisements for Guinness – other Irish stouts are available) 
  18. On a standard modern concert harp, what is indicated by the red-coloured strings?  (The red strings are tuned to C)
  19. Which Roman emperor was the first to be routinely shown on coins and statues with a full beard?  (Hadrian)
  20. Queen Elizabeth II featured with fictional characters on film in 2022 and 2012. What name provides a literal link between those two appearances? (Bond – Paddington’s creator Michael Bond and Daniel Craig as James Bond; and a bond is a link)


Section 2: On the Buses – Nostalgia Corner? (1 mark per question)

Below are clues to names of nationally famous people from all walks of life whose names are or have been displayed on Brighton & Hove Buses. All are deceased. Identify them from the clues.

  1. The title of one of my plays (later filmed) has led to a term used to identify a type of domestic abuse. (Patrick Hamilton – the play/film is ‘Gaslight’)
  2. The late Queen Elizabeth II and the Princess Royal might have enjoyed my best-known book, whose title includes a horsey reference. (Enid Bagnold, author of ‘National Velvet.’)
  3. No woman’s clothing remained dry after I’d got my hands on her – with her consent, of course. (Martha Gunn, one of the most famous ‘dippers’ on Brighton beach)
  4. I wonder whether, during my brief period at a small prep school in Hove, my fellow-pupils had fights on Brighton’s stony beach. (Sir Winston Churchill)
  5. Soldiering was my rather unexpected profession – maybe I could have been part of Pratchett’s ‘Monstrous Regiment’?  (Phoebe Hessel; Pratchett’s ‘Monstrous Regiment’ is based on the many stories/folk songs about  women joining the pre 20th century army to find/follow the significant other in their life) 
  6. Our brother was known for playing the oldest uniformed police-sergeant on television. (Elsie & Doris Waters – aka music hall stars Gert & Daisy – sisters of Jack Warner, star of ‘Dixon of Dock Green’) 
  7. A visit to Trafalgar Square will show you some of my work. (Edwin Landseer, who designed the lions at the foot of Nelson’s Column) 
  8. Nobody really knows why I’m buried in Hove. I died in London and Chomolunga/Sagarmatha was given my name in British geographical documents. (Sir George Everest)
  9. Richard Attenborough stars in the film of one of my best-known books. (Graham Greene – author of ‘Brighton Rock’) 
  10. Indian restaurant, anyone? You could have visited mine in London or else improved your well-being with some of my bath or hair products. (Sake Dean Mahomed)


Section 3 – Connections

There are 3 marks per question – 1 for correctly identifying the connection and 2 for explaining all the elements.

  1. A distant relation of a former senior Metropolitan Police officer; Inspector Truscott; a former Chairman of a toy company; a BBC Radio 3 announcer. (‘Round the Horne’ cast members – Hugh Paddick, related to DAC Brian Paddick, Kenneth Williams – first to play this role in Joe Orton’s ‘Loot’; Kenneth Horne, once Chairman of Chad Valley toys; Douglas Smith, who made all the announcements, played walk-on roles deliberately unconvincingly and with reluctance and advertised ‘Dobbiroids’ on the programme, also appeared on the Third Programme/Radio 3).
  2. James Herriot; a Northern walker; no peace in what he manufactured; would have come last in Bake-Off? (People called Alfred – real name Alf[red] Wight; Alfred Wainwright; Alfred Nobel; Alfred the Great [burning the cakes])
  3. Seasonal allergic rhinitis; possible reaction to a gift; Percy’s skylark; dangerous ‘revolver’. (Noel Coward plays: Hay Fever; Present Laughter; Blithe Spirit; The Vortex)
  4. Roman; chose; chat; fort (All words which occur with the same spellings in English and French but with different meanings – a person from Rome or a novel; made a choice or a thing; conversation or a cat; a military building or strong/loud)
  5. A nominally calm American sportswoman; almost, but not quite, an early computer game; compiler of a Greek verbal treasury changes final letter and moves to Switzerland; the former Chingford Skinhead. (People who announced their retirement in 2022 – Serena Williams; Jeremy Paxman -not quite Pac-man; Roger -nearly Roget – Federer; Lord Tebbit).
  6. A classic violin; root position or second inversion; how to create a lightweight bronze statue; Roman, Persian, Aztec and others – but not in Leicester Square. (All ‘lost’ things – J.Meade Falkner’s short story ‘The Lost Stradivarius’; Sullivan’s song ‘The Lost Chord’; the lost wax process; J. B. Priestley’s novel ‘Lost Empires’ about touring variety acts in provincial theatres pre WW2 – note that the clue indicates a plural).
  7. Sect; jury; side; tern (all can be preceded by ‘in’ to make a new word – insect, injury, inside, intern)
  8. Wakeman’s Arthur (but not 2006 – 2018); lament for Muffin the Mule or Pinocchio with strings attached; travels of Gandalf, Dumbledore or Merlin; treble solo from a 20th century setting of Psalm 23. (All used as themes for radio or television programmes – General Election coverage 1979 – 2005 and again in 2019 – from Rick Wakeman’s concept album ‘Legends of King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table’ [nate also that it was used for the spoof fantasy radio epic ‘Hordes of the Things’]; Alfred Hitchcock Presents… and other Hitchcock anthology programmes; Gounod’s ‘Funeral March for a Marionette’; the Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – part of The Eagles’ ‘Journey of the Sorcerer’; The Vicar of Dibley – part of Howard Goodall’s setting of Psalm 23).
  9. A slightly truncated luxury car; a nominally right-handed detective novelist; a Scotsman from the Granite City; an MP thumped – no Respect shown? (Breeds of cattle- Limousin[e]; [Colin] Dexter; Aberdeen Angus; Belted [George] Galloway).
  10. Home of the ancestral wild canine; ultra-dark; not how the Iron Lady died; even more secure than Fort Knox?  (Hilary Mantel titles – Wolf Hall; Beyond Black; the Assassination of Margaret Thatcher; A Place of Greater Safety.)


Bonus question – no marks, but it might be a tie-breaker.

What is the primary connection between the questions in Part 2 and the 2022 Brighton Early Music Festival – apart from this quiz, of course. (The first letters of the 10 clues are TTNISOANRI – which can be re-sorted into the word TRANSITION; the word ‘primary’ is the clue, as in quite a few cryptic crosswords).

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